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			Miner stats for: 6554ad7a5c422250f0a370d0c4c98f6381bee278ead50844fac61e86a1e5efd6

			Current Hash Rate:       24.74 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 24.74 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 24.58 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 20.93 Sol/s

Total shares accepted: 1,028,830,080
Invalid shares (24h): 0

Workers statistics: [workers down alert link] [continuous alert link]

Worker Current HR 1h avg. HR 6h avg. HR 24h avg. HR
MemeMachin - 24.74 Sol/s - 24.74 Sol/s - 24.58 Sol/s - 20.93 Sol/s

Available balance: 8.77556548 BEAM
Unconfirmed balance: 0.32733392 BEAM

Total paid: 1,005.46658787 BEAM
To request a balance transfer to your personal wallet please provide your pool private key:

Your last 5 payments / requests:

1. Time (R/S/C): 2024-04-25 20:20:45 / 2024-04-25 20:21:22 / 2024-04-25 20:25:21 Sending address: 12d51cc220f8c73952d4b03788e8fadd0651262216eb4ff1fbd3c0987bd4059d7d7 Receiving address: 36bb8886696299c936b98807e0f7182ecca7644f0123a595ec81e18881ab3f931e5 Kernel ID: 7107b2200e0279de25c279295308903cc1918843206acc12a5626b5b2ea77706 Status: COMPLETED Value: 20.7322996 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.001 BEAM 2. Time (R/S/C): 2024-04-06 09:50:44 / 2024-04-06 09:51:23 / 2024-04-06 09:53:21 Sending address: 3755cf5f6759df2bf75e5cb02a96f9a103174aede41b9af03168352c1e09af3baa0 Receiving address: 36bb8886696299c936b98807e0f7182ecca7644f0123a595ec81e18881ab3f931e5 Kernel ID: aa8c358143e9f91527270965f9ca54c08f456a3c72408220317e1987a35912a5 Status: COMPLETED Value: 14.10799309 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.001 BEAM 3. Time (R/S/C): 2024-03-25 17:25:55 / 2024-03-25 17:26:22 / 2024-03-25 17:28:22 Sending address: 1e01b4dc4554044fde0c60cd1939b9c0b4df3ee8a4b1dbfbb54154dfc48fe5fb660 Receiving address: 36bb8886696299c936b98807e0f7182ecca7644f0123a595ec81e18881ab3f931e5 Kernel ID: 42742e90426d8a0ca7781d14ffc181cb2df095674c8b535ad41582a701882104 Status: COMPLETED Value: 7.986901 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.001 BEAM 4. Time (R/S/C): 2024-03-18 02:04:36 / 2024-03-18 02:05:22 / 2024-03-18 02:09:22 Sending address: 13c03e66d2827d6513c546d9f33f3d0d218bb7e327350143a2912bcfdd30b9622ce Receiving address: 36bb8886696299c936b98807e0f7182ecca7644f0123a595ec81e18881ab3f931e5 Kernel ID: ba73fd298213148b1fb62ad8597a4c3eff8635b2cf08ca41354820fe60936108 Status: COMPLETED Value: 9.01834167 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.001 BEAM 5. Time (R/S/C): 2024-03-09 19:29:04 / 2024-03-09 19:29:22 / 2024-03-09 19:36:22 Sending address: 36bb6202252b3fafb6bd0cc03ae82a24a31be5da1617424b90780988baa908ea9d4 Receiving address: 36bb8886696299c936b98807e0f7182ecca7644f0123a595ec81e18881ab3f931e5 Kernel ID: da8c6f5a5d704de801b3695725f648cbb112d4ff15825d92c88a0e1fc5718ad6 Status: COMPLETED Value: 9.21751109 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.001 BEAM
Earnings report:

Last Hour Last Day Last 7 Days Last 30 Days
0.16784535 BEAM 1.35852014 BEAM 6.49371526 BEAM 32.00033721 BEAM

Last 30 blocks you have shares on:

Block height Worker Server time Status Share
2797147 - - 2024-05-04 21:52:36 - [Maturing] - 0.16784535 BEAM
2796977 - - 2024-05-04 18:38:10 - [Maturing] - 0.15948857 BEAM
2796815 - - 2024-05-04 16:09:47 - [Available] - 0.16879923 BEAM
2796696 - - 2024-05-04 14:10:29 - [Available] - 0.13531410 BEAM
2796492 - - 2024-05-04 10:54:39 - [Available] - 0.15148977 BEAM
2796381 - - 2024-05-04 09:06:45 - [Available] - 0.07570128 BEAM
2796257 - - 2024-05-04 07:03:56 - [Available] - 0.11794869 BEAM
2796255 - - 2024-05-04 07:02:22 - [Available] - 0.11696086 BEAM
2796229 - - 2024-05-04 06:38:50 - [Available] - 0.11199098 BEAM
2796020 - - 2024-05-04 02:53:22 - [Available] - 0.15298127 BEAM
2795692 - - 2024-05-03 21:37:58 - [Available] - 0.16714531 BEAM
2795515 - - 2024-05-03 18:29:08 - [Available] - 0.15634317 BEAM
2795450 - - 2024-05-03 17:19:07 - [Available] - 0.15326543 BEAM
2795296 - - 2024-05-03 14:56:48 - [Available] - 0.16752853 BEAM
2795098 - - 2024-05-03 11:32:44 - [Available] - 0.17040135 BEAM
2794634 - - 2024-05-03 03:46:20 - [Available] - 0.16883526 BEAM
2794484 - - 2024-05-03 01:38:37 - [Available] - 0.14349424 BEAM
2794360 - - 2024-05-02 23:37:44 - [Available] - 0.15068183 BEAM
2794223 - - 2024-05-02 21:13:44 - [Available] - 0.16853872 BEAM
2794093 - - 2024-05-02 19:03:08 - [Available] - 0.13985917 BEAM
2794092 - - 2024-05-02 19:03:04 - [Available] - 0.13891692 BEAM
2793959 - - 2024-05-02 16:57:28 - [Available] - 0.17894117 BEAM
2793852 - - 2024-05-02 15:07:31 - [Available] - 0.16418267 BEAM
2793767 - - 2024-05-02 13:22:15 - [Available] - 0.17050360 BEAM
2793625 - - 2024-05-02 11:06:01 - [Available] - 0.02477537 BEAM
2793306 - - 2024-05-02 05:41:12 - [Available] - 0.17483574 BEAM
2793187 - - 2024-05-02 03:52:00 - [Available] - 0.09520121 BEAM
2791644 - - 2024-05-01 01:55:44 - [Available] - 0.15627971 BEAM
2791463 - - 2024-04-30 23:05:55 - [Available] - 0.16646172 BEAM
2791347 - - 2024-04-30 21:07:04 - [Available] - 0.15371255 BEAM

Your last 30 shares:

Server time Type Difficulty Worker
2024-05-04 22:09:06.106857 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:08:59.324555 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:08:35.641030 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:07:59.622899 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:07:27.855005 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:07:21.091942 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:06:47.423512 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:06:39.968673 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:06:36.672415 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:06:09.596397 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:06:00.928990 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:05:59.098216 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:05:51.037415 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:05:33.408869 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:05:31.579295 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:05:25.590298 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:04:18.703568 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:03:28.346664 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:03:27.825650 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:03:04.110801 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:03:01.007656 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:02:56.290406 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:02:24.675715 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:02:24.559022 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:01:44.279281 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:01:12.998661 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:01:12.878622 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:01:05.935980 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:00:58.371550 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin
2024-05-04 22:00:08.680743 - SHARE - 512 - MemeMachin