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			Miner stats for: 625a6f78a0d0d3681f17a1314d7817eefb151db75a0f07218ec92a4010969d13

			Current Hash Rate:       0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s

Total shares accepted: 3,413,504
Invalid shares (24h): 0

You have no separate workers defined.
You can add them with the following syntax: public_API_key.worker in your miner configuration.
Please use a maximum of 10 characters for the workers name.

Available balance: 0.00000000 BEAM
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 BEAM

Total paid: 1.64563089 BEAM

Insufficient balance for a payment request.
Payments are accepted for balances greater than 0.01 BEAM.
Your last 5 payments / requests:

1. Time (R/S/C): 2019-01-28 18:45:02 / 2019-01-28 19:56:47 / 2019-01-28 19:57:50 Sending address: dc227aa502c594b4dc815ccfcac15dd71f872c39347e411b3bce12b9a38c8a0327 Receiving address: 224ae31ee5cedefa4c6a0347a1f2aa0244d5b243c54fdd268843cff09bda4e26ac Kernel ID: 0ee97cdfe16bfe2f7091dded9dcb8a392c3cc2a52f1795b4aefb282fe5e8249e Status: COMPLETED Value: 1.64563089 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.0001 BEAM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on:

Block height Worker Server time Status Share
35068 - - 2019-01-28 02:06:28 - [Available] - 0.28007950 BEAM
34920 - - 2019-01-27 23:30:59 - [Available] - 0.58128442 BEAM
34768 - - 2019-01-27 20:51:26 - [Available] - 0.57922075 BEAM
34700 - - 2019-01-27 19:34:10 - [Available] - 0.20514620 BEAM

Your last 30 shares:
no shares submitted in the last hour.