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			Miner stats for: 330b8ea3d8670302aa81a00ccafed6b884f4aa654a15203c3bc6a50513f84664

			Current Hash Rate:       0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s

Total shares accepted: 248,832
Invalid shares (24h): 0

You have no separate workers defined.
You can add them with the following syntax: public_API_key.worker in your miner configuration.
Please use a maximum of 10 characters for the workers name.

Available balance: 0.00000000 BEAM
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 BEAM

Total paid: 0.60065505 BEAM

Insufficient balance for a payment request.
Payments are accepted for balances greater than 0.01 BEAM.
Your last 5 payments / requests:

1. Time (R/S/C): 2019-01-18 23:06:18 / 2019-01-18 23:42:35 / 2019-01-18 23:50:24 Sending address: 880f73010000000009896052d8d1e7fa891571be47615866975170fc05069572b40073740cc6e298 Receiving address: 1b764d4d2448c70ebd54b0b95de8453f3b335ff57d830cc52f149ae872d3fbca4 Kernel ID: c59b822c94ad54dca3e9adb9ae08f93144318cd4384c340bb21b04a16fe1b4b8 Status: COMPLETED Value: 0.60065505 BEAM Transfer fee: 0.0001 BEAM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on:

Block height Worker Server time Status Share
18447 - - 2019-01-16 10:03:56 - [Available] - 0.00112765 BEAM
18446 - - 2019-01-16 10:02:50 - [Available] - 0.00112504 BEAM
18388 - - 2019-01-16 08:53:46 - [Available] - 0.00095825 BEAM
18068 - - 2019-01-16 03:38:14 - [Available] - 0.20532707 BEAM
18054 - - 2019-01-16 03:26:23 - [Available] - 0.23339784 BEAM
17956 - - 2019-01-16 01:42:39 - [Available] - 0.15187626 BEAM
11008 - - 2019-01-11 04:43:19 - [Available] - 0.00694291 BEAM

Your last 30 shares:
no shares submitted in the last hour.