Miner stats


Current Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
Last Hour Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last Day Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last 7 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last 30 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Total shares accepted: 791,293,952
Invalid shares (24h): 0
Workers statistics

You have no separate workers defined.
You can add them with the following syntax: public_user_key.worker in your miner configuration.
Please use a maximum of 10 characters for the workers name.

Balance & Withdraw
Available balance: 1.33651264 Beam
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 Beam
Total paid: 414.60352382 Beam
API LINK: [miner-balances]

To request a balance transfer to your personal wallet please provide your private key:

Your last 5 payments / requests
1. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
414.60352382 BEAM
0.001 BEAM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on
Block Worker Time Distributed Share
2125796 YES0.64961591 BEAM
2125748 YES0.68689672 BEAM
2125482 YES0.53910494 BEAM
2125366 YES0.56745295 BEAM
2125297 YES0.54575989 BEAM
2125098 YES0.61386492 BEAM
2125004 YES0.58253718 BEAM
2124838 YES0.65129036 BEAM
2124837 YES0.64562896 BEAM
2124776 YES0.61358343 BEAM
2124749 YES0.56081807 BEAM
2124713 YES0.51111859 BEAM
2124582 YES0.64949210 BEAM
2124545 YES0.52495648 BEAM
2124253 YES0.65231985 BEAM
2124132 YES0.63657913 BEAM
2124049 YES0.49371724 BEAM
2123914 YES0.66697988 BEAM
2123900 YES0.72095904 BEAM
2123816 YES0.56648942 BEAM
2123729 YES0.56614545 BEAM
2123631 YES0.57140019 BEAM
2123629 YES0.57391280 BEAM
2123516 YES0.52469397 BEAM
2123411 YES0.56209597 BEAM
2123410 YES0.56336337 BEAM
2123239 YES0.52684849 BEAM
2123193 YES0.53250696 BEAM
2123190 YES0.52819674 BEAM
2123145 YES0.58600794 BEAM
EXPORT LINK: [miner-all-block-shares]

Your last 30 shares
No shares submitted in the last hour.

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