Miner stats


Current Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
Last Hour Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last Day Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last 7 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last 30 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Total shares accepted: 230,742,016
Invalid shares (24h): 0
Workers statistics

You have no separate workers defined.
You can add them with the following syntax: public_user_key.worker in your miner configuration.
Please use a maximum of 10 characters for the workers name.

Balance & Withdraw
Available balance: 0.00000000 Beam
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 Beam
Total paid: 136.77867889 Beam
API LINK: [miner-balances]

Insufficient available balance for a payment request.
Payments are accepted for balances greater than 0.01 BEAM.

Your last 5 payments / requests
1. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
136.7786789 BEAM
0.001 BEAM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on
Block Worker Time Distributed Share
1552436 YES10.16243336 BEAM
1552405 YES10.60217444 BEAM
1552158 YES10.13086718 BEAM
1551933 YES10.03198085 BEAM
1551686 YES9.61389788 BEAM
1551615 YES9.52439666 BEAM
1551579 YES9.32930990 BEAM
1551434 YES9.19209291 BEAM
1551375 YES9.08571017 BEAM
1551303 YES9.03153994 BEAM
1551233 YES9.27149917 BEAM
1551131 YES8.74622649 BEAM
1550970 YES7.68700368 BEAM
1550906 YES7.45605474 BEAM
1550830 YES6.91449146 BEAM
EXPORT LINK: [miner-all-block-shares]

Your last 30 shares
No shares submitted in the last hour.

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