Miner stats


Current Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 28.53 Sol/s
Last Hour Earnings: 0.00000000 Beam
Last Day Earnings: 2.35491160 Beam
Last 7 Days Earnings: 22.82849744 Beam
Last 30 Days Earnings: 36.89352211 Beam
Total shares accepted: 418,945,536
Invalid shares (24h): 3
Workers statistics
# Worker Last seen Current HR 1h Avg. HR 6h Avg. HR 24h Avg. HR Inv.
1. Trap-Rig6 hours ago0.00 Sol/s0.00 Sol/s0.00 Sol/s28.53 Sol/s3
API LINK: [miner-workers] [workers down alert link] [continuous alert link] [continuous alert link (1h check limit)]

Balance & Withdraw
Available balance: 75.66800773 Beam
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 Beam
Total paid: 370.49600098 Beam
API LINK: [miner-balances]

To request a balance transfer to your personal wallet please provide your private key:

Your last 5 payments / requests
1. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
3.18894104 BEAM
0.001 BEAM
2. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
367.30705994 BEAM
0.001 BEAM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on
Block Worker Time Distributed Share
2847214 YES0.39717844 BEAM
2846985 YES0.36221827 BEAM
2846805 YES0.39233356 BEAM
2846620 YES0.38168497 BEAM
2846494 YES0.44184867 BEAM
2846327 YES0.37964767 BEAM
2846121 YES0.36296014 BEAM
2845966 YES0.37099687 BEAM
2845843 YES0.40443397 BEAM
2845595 YES0.34585875 BEAM
2845480 YES0.38480367 BEAM
2845272 YES0.40241448 BEAM
2844957 YES0.37986280 BEAM
2844792 YES0.42860417 BEAM
2844417 YES0.32529208 BEAM
2844275 YES0.43585147 BEAM
2844138 YES0.41982382 BEAM
2843960 YES0.36674978 BEAM
2843702 YES0.42361124 BEAM
2843520 YES0.42247975 BEAM
2843386 YES0.41031205 BEAM
2843117 YES0.42856623 BEAM
2843000 Trap-Rig YES0.40158767 BEAM
2842828 YES0.48834388 BEAM
2842578 YES0.42650659 BEAM
2842459 YES0.43381327 BEAM
2842258 YES0.40363053 BEAM
2842050 YES0.42606175 BEAM
2841819 YES0.47557070 BEAM
2841683 YES0.37222154 BEAM
EXPORT LINK: [miner-all-block-shares]

Your last 30 shares
No shares submitted in the last hour.

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